Matinee Episode IV: A New Hope

On January the first, 2016 I made one single New Year’s Resolution: to manage my time better. Then, throughout the year, I failed again and again. It is hardly surprising people make fun out of this tradition! But here’s the thing: we need to keep making these silly resolutions and plans even if we’re unsure we’ll be able to fulfill them. Even the best-laid plans fail. Life happens. What was the name of that song from the Beatles? “Tomorrow Never Knows”? Ain’t that the truth!

Politically and culturally, 2016 was a mess that will keep on rolling in 2017 as well. Personally, I am still dealing with a number of private problems that, well… Suffice to say I should start sorting them out. It’s a new dawn. It’s a new day. It’s a new life. There are 365 chances not to mess up this year. 365 opportunities to take the phrase “Happy New Year!” and turn it from wishful thinking into reality through work, dedication and patience.

Matinee Episode IV: A New Hope